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About Us

Heritage Harvest Seed is a Canadian heirloom/heritage seed mail order company specializing in rare and endangered heirloom/heritage varieties of vegetables, flowers, herbs and ancient grain seeds. With over 800 varieties to choose from, we'll surely have something to suit your taste.


Over the years, we have become Canada's #1 source for rare and endangered varieties of heirloom/heritage seed. Our heirloom/heritage tomato collection is among the best in North America!


We are working to preserve heirloom varieties and offer their seed for sale to the public. This requires a lot of research and countless hours trying to track down rare seed sources, as well as delving into the histories of different varieties.

I am a member of Seeds of Diversity Canada and Seed Savers Exchange based in Decorah, Iowa. Both organizations are extremely worthwhile and I strongly recommend anyone with an interest in heirloom plants to join. I also have a Bachelor's Degree in Horticultural Technology and have been an avid gardener since I was a child.

For those of you who would like to learn more about seed saving we have a Seed Saving Book written by Seeds of Diversity for sale.

Once again I am very excited about this year's selection, some of which are only available through Heritage Harvest Seed. We have one of the best selections of heirloom varieties in North America and our collection continues to grow each year. It has taken me years to be able to offer some of these special varieties to my customers.

At Heritage Harvest Seed we garden organically, although we are not certified organic. We take the growing and preserving of heirloom plants and the saving of seed very seriously. When you purchase seed you can be assured that the seed is viable and true to type and that you are supporting an extremely worthwhile preservation effort.

Tanya Stefanec